G protein-coupled receptors transduce diverse extracellular signals, such as neurotransmitters, hormones, chemokines, and sensory stimuli, into intracellular responses through activation of heterotrimeric G proteins. G proteins play critical roles in determining specificity and kinetics of subsequent biological responses by modulation of effector proteins. We have developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based assay to directly measure mammalian G protein activation in intact cells and found that Gi proteins activate within 1-2 s, which is considerably slower than activation kinetics of the receptors themselves. More importantly, FRET measurements demonstrated that G␣i-and G␥-subunits do not dissociate during activation, as has been previously postulated. Based on FRET measurements between G␣i-yellow fluorescent protein and G␥-subunits that were fused to cyan fluorescent protein at various positions, we conclude that, instead, G protein subunits undergo a molecular rearrangement during activation. The detection of a persistent heterotrimeric composition during G protein activation will impact the understanding of how G proteins achieve subtype-selective coupling to effectors. This finding will be of particular interest for unraveling G␥-induced signaling pathways.
Avariety of physiological signals such as neurotransmitters, hormones, and light are detected by members of the seven transmembrane domain receptor family. These G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activate G proteins by promoting binding of GTP in exchange for GDP. Both, G␣ and G␥-subunits of activated G proteins can regulate downstream effectors such as adenylyl cyclases, phospholipases, or ion channels. Based on biochemical experiments and structural studies, it is known that conformational rearrangements in the ''switch regions'' of the ␣-subunits on GTP binding weaken the interaction with G␥-subunits (1-3). It is generally assumed that the reduced affinity of G␣-GTP for G␥ causes G proteins to dissociate into G␣-GTP and a G␥ complex. Reassociation is then assumed to occur on hydrolysis of the GTP bound to G␣, which can be accelerated by RGS proteins (4-6). However, this model fails to explain well established phenomena in G protein-mediated signaling. Most importantly, a major open question is how G␥ effectors, such as G proteinactivated inwardly rectifying K ϩ (GIRK) channel, are selectively regulated through specific G␣ subtypes despite the lack of subtype selectivity for G␥ subtypes (7-10). In attempts to answer this central question, it has been hypothesized that selectivity may be caused by scaffolding of G proteins and effectors, either by direct binding of G␣ to its effector (11), or by temporally and spatially restricting G protein activity (12, 13).The possibility to investigate protein-protein interactions in living cells by using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between recombinant fluorescent proteins (14), has recently led to new insights in temporal signaling properties of G protein effectors (1...