Effective methods are proposed for regulation of the thermal regime of the water courses in the lower pools of HPP.The principles, problems, and basic trends in the business of the RAO "EÉS Rossii" in the area of environmental protection and assurance of ecological safety, including the following, are defined in the company's declared ecological policy [1]:-consideration of the priority of ecological safety as a component part of the national safety;-scientific substantiation of the ecological policy, and development of scientific research in the field of environmental protection in electric-power generation; and, -the priority of adopting preventive measures over and above those taken to eliminate ecologically negative effects.The investigations presented in this paper, which have been conducted in the Problem Laboratory of the JSC VNIIG im. B. E. Vedeneeva to develop effective means of regulating the thermal regime of water courses in the lower pools of HPP on rivers of Siberia and the Far East (in regions with sharply expressed seasonal cycles), are in complete conformity with the principles, and also with the thematic "Problems concerning control of effects in lower pools during the operation of hydroprojects," which is included in the list of questions discussed at congresses of the Internal Commission on large Dams (ICOLD) since its inception.One of the unfavorable factors encountered in the construction HPP is the change in the thermal regime of the water course, which usually exerts a negative influence on the microclimate of the riparian area, and on the river flora and fauna. The extent of this influence will depend on the capacity of the HPP, and the dimensions and flowage of the reservoir, and is manifested to the greatest degree as a change in water temperature in the lower pools of hydroprojects constructed on rivers of Siberia and the Far East.Possible negative effects of HPP construction on the temperature change in the lower pool must be examined and minimized as early as the design stage, in connection with the fact that it is necessary to have in advance a clear representation of the hydrothermal regime of the future reservoir. Some methodical recommendations regarding selection of computational schemes for the hydrothermal structure of reservoirs are presented in [2 -4], where the overall initial position consists in the fact that heat exchange through the water surface is a basic year-round factor, which is established after construction of HPP, since their is virtually no exchange of heat with the bottom. The temperature of the air will mainly affect the temperature of the surface layers of water. This results in the formation of a characteristic hydrothermal regime in these water bodies, when the period of the spring homotherm during which the water temperature in the reservoir becomes similar over its entire depth -approximately 4 -5°C -is observed after the reservoir has been cleared of ice in the spring. A so-called thermocline, i.e., a zone of seasonal temperature jump, which begins wit...