Memories can have different strengths, largely dependent on the intensity of reinforcers encountered. The relationship between reinforcement and memory strength is evident in asymptotic memory curves, with the level of the asymptote related to the intensity of the reinforcer. Although this is likely a fundamental property of memory formation, relatively little is known of how memory strength is determined. Memory performance at different levels in Drosophila can be measured in an operant heat-box conditioning paradigm. In this spatial learning paradigm, flies learn and remember to avoid one-half of a dark chamber associated with a temperature outside of the preferred range. The reinforcement temperature has a strong effect on the level of learning in wild-type flies, with higher temperatures inducing stronger memories. Additionally, two mutations alter memory-acquisition curves, either changing acquisition rate or asymptotic memory level. The rutabaga mutation, affecting a type-1 adenylyl cyclase, decreases the acquisition rate. In contrast, the white mutation, modifying an ABC transporter, limits asymptotic memory. The white mutation does not negatively affect classical olfactory conditioning but actually improves performance at low reinforcement levels. Thus, memory acquisition/memory strength and classical olfactory/operant spatial memories can be genetically dissociated. A conceptual model of operant conditioning and the levels at which rutabaga and white influence conditioning is proposed.Memories are formed from unexpected experiences. Eventually, a sensory cue or behavior predicts positive or negative consequences. Importantly, memory strength depends on the intensity of those reinforcing stimuli such that weak reinforcers support memories of limited magnitude. This relationship is evident in asymptotic acquisition curves where the asymptote level is related to the intensity of the reinforcer. This has been found in operant and classical conditioning paradigms with both positive and negative reinforcers in many species (Herrnstein 1997), including several species of insects (e.g., in rewarded classical and operant conditioning in the honeybee and negatively associated olfactory classical conditioning in Drosophila) (Menzel and Erber 1972;Bitterman et al. 1983;Tully and Quinn 1985;Loo and Bitterman 1992). The repeated finding of the positive relationship between reinforcement intensity and memory strength indicates that this is a fundamental property of learning.The biogenic amines (e.g., serotonin, dopamine, and octopamine) can function as teaching signals. These are the molecules that, together with sensory-based depolarization, feed into the cAMP/PKA and NMDA-receptor pathways. The biochemical changes in this pathway support synaptic plasticity and memory formation. In the Aplysia model of heterosynaptic plasticity, serotonin mediates the tail shock and is a sufficient teaching signal with in vitro synaptic plasticity tests (Martin et al. 1997;Kandel 2001). Dopamine is also critical in memory formation....