In studies of hormonal regulation of cell wall polysaccharide synthesis, auxin-treated tissue yields greater activity of UDPglucose: /3-1 ,4-glucan glucosyltransferase (",3-glucan synthetase") than untreated controls (1,6,15,21,27). This effect may be part of the mechanism by which wall synthesis is stimulated by auxin. The present work investigates this effect as observed in isolated pea stem segments.
METHODSSegments 8 mm long beginning 3 mm below the top of the apical hook were cut from the third internode of 7-day-old I Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.Alaska pea seedlings grown at 25 C in the dark with occasional exposure to red light. During experimental manipulation segments were handled under red light (40-w fluorescent lamp masked with red cellophane to exclude wavelengths below about 600 nm), and otherwise kept in the dark. Segments were kept in empty Petri dishes resting on ice until all those required for the experiment had been cut; the dishes were then moved to the required temperature conditions, this being regarded as zero time in the experiment. For reasons explained in "Results" the routine procedure was first to keep the segments for 2 to 3 hr at 35 C, covered with a circle (two thicknesses) of Whatman No. 1 paper moistened with distilled water, inside a closed Petri dish containing no standing liquid. The filter paper was removed and a treatment solution was added, routinely 30 or 50 mm sucrose without or with 17 bLM indoleacetic acid, and the dish was placed under the temperature conditions required in the experiment. Each sample consisted usually of 50 segments, duplicate samples normally being run and assayed for each treatment.The distribution in the pea shoot of glucan synthetase activity and of the auxin effect thereon (Table II and Fig. 1) was obtained by cutting the third internode into segments as illustrated by the diagram in Figure 1, using cutting devices with spaced razor blades, after first removing the apex (segment I) by cutting just below the point of attachment of the stipules at the third node. Four lots of 100 segments of each type were prepared, the fresh weight of each was determined, and one lot of each type ("initial" sample) was immediately used to make a glucan synthetase particle preparation as described below. The remaining three lots of each type were held for 3 hr in moist air at 35 C, at which time the second lot of each type was chilled and used for synthetase particle preparation, while the third and fourth lots were incubated for 1.5 hr at 35 C in 30 mm sucrose without or with 17 /-M IAA and then chilled, blotted, weighed, and homogenized. From the fresh weight data the auxin effect on cell enlargement was obtained as given in Table II