Growing environmental problems in recent decades have made the water issue one of the most important agenda items in relations between the countries of the Central Asian (CA) region. Because water is a strategic resource and, at the same time, the foundation of social and economic development in CA, it is possible to assume that the settlement of water allocation problems will become a driving force for the development of regional interaction. The study aims to analyze the importance of supranational bodies in regulating water cooperation between the states of the CA region. The methodological basis of the study was built based on a combination of such theoretical methods of cognition as historical, structural‐functional, forecasting, and political and legal analysis, as well as an institutional approach. The main study results consist of assessing the efficiency of water resources use in the CA region, formulating areas of cooperation between the states in this sector after independence and up to the present, analyzing the role of functioning and under‐construction hydropower facilities in stimulating the resolution of water and energy challenges, and formulating initiatives of the countries of the region in solving existing water problems. In addition, it identified points of convergence in transboundary water use, analyzed steps to further deepen cooperation in water allocation among CA countries, and assessed the activities of supranational bodies in regulating water cooperation. The work can be applied in research and applied areas: It can be useful for scientists whose interests include water management issues in the CA region, as well as for government officials in the CA countries who implement policies in this area.