Purpose: This research is conducted to evaluate the effect of assertiveness training in schizophrenic patients on functional remission and assertiveness level.Design and methods: The research is designed as a randomized controlled trial with a pretest and posttest control group and repeated measures. Assertiveness training was carried out for a total of 8 weeks with the experimental group.Findings: Assertiveness training in schizophrenic patients was found to be effective in increasing the functional remission and assertiveness levels of patients.
Practice implications:Assertiveness training in schizophrenia should be implemented by psychiatric nurses within the scope of rehabilitation services. K E Y W O R D S assertiveness, assertiveness training, functional recovery, psychiatric nurse, schizophrenia 1 | INTRODUCTION Defined as one of the lifelong and destructive mental disorders,schizophrenia is a disorder that disrupts social, occupational, and interpersonal functioning, leads to disability, and it is characterized by a significant deterioration in thought, perception, emotion, movement, and behavior. 1,2 In the treatment of schizophrenia, which affects 1% of the population, a multidimensional approach is considered, and pharmacological and psychosocial treatment methods are implemented together. 3,4 While drug therapy in schizophrenia targets positive and negative symptoms, disorganized behaviors, mood, and cognitive symptoms; psychosocial interventions including programs such as individual interviews, family education, social skills training, holistic approach group therapies, supportive therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapies are provided for self-care deficiencies, poor quality of life, interpersonal relationship problems, noncompliance with treatment, dysfunctions, addiction, and signs of disability in social and professional skills. [5][6][7][8][9] It has been reported that psychosocial skills training, which is frequently applied in the rehabilitation of schizophrenia patients, increases quality of life, social functioning levels, self-esteem, communication skills, compliance to treatment levels, and insights of the patients; reduces disability, relapse, and repeated hospitalization; and has positive effects on positive and negative symptoms. [10][11][12][13][14][15] It is also reported that social skills training programs increase interpersonal relationships and assertiveness skills in schizophrenia. 14,[16][17][18] Assertiveness is the individualʼs expression of his own feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, his personal rights in a clear and honest manner while paying attention to the feelings and thoughts of others, and respecting their rights. [19][20][21] Being assertive requires the ability to defend oneʼs rights without hesitation and without being aggressive. 19,21 Patients with schizophrenia are usually exposed to cognitive disorders and cannot express their feelings and thoughts effectively.They have a fear of social anxiety, of being judged by others, or of negative evaluation. These conditio...