The balance and symmetry of mandibular function gets destroyed by the loss of continuity of the mandible, which deviates the residual fragment towards the resected side thereby altering the mandibular movements. Physical therapy in combination with prosthodontic treatment can be used to reduce the mandibular deviation and hence it improves the masticatory efficiency. Many prosthetic methods are discovered to minimize deviation and provide masticatory efficiency. Some of these methods are mandibular guide flange prosthesis, implant supported prosthesis and palatal guidance restoration. Contact of Tongue with palate is important for the production of normal speech, also the proper place of the tongue during certain sounds is important. In partial glossectomy conditions, tongue to palate articulation gets affected during speech and patient faces difficulty to pronounce certain sounds. For the rehabilitation of such patient thorough knowledge of the production of different sounds can be useful for diagnosis and treatment planning.