“…Geographical proximity generates also other benefits for co-located actors because these hubs create economies of scale in services such as infrastructure and specialized labor. While previous empirical work found that the anchor role can be played by a large, incumbent high-tech firm (Baglieri and Cinici Mangematin, 2012) or a university (Feldman, 2003), our findings complements previous evidence by adding that private-public research centers can accelerate anchor model benefits, stimulating both the demand and supply sides of local markets for innovation, and efficiently channeling and orchestrating knowledge spillovers. Contrasting this experience, the Japanese nanotech knowledge production is widely dispersed among a huge number of large, incumbent firms, and reveals a different strategy that Japan is pursuing, that is, a deliberate movement away from a "anchor-tenant model" in favor of a higher actor variety, with the aim to leverage firms' alliance portfolios and access external patents.…”