Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is an episodic and progressive inflammatory condition involving cartilaginous structures, predominantly those of the ears, nose, and laryngotracheobronchial tree (1). The spectrum of its presentations may vary from intermittent mild episodes of chondritis to occasional organ or even life-threatening manifestations. There is a lack of awareness about this disease due to its rarity. With this case presentation, our goal was to draw attention to this disease, which could be delayed for the diagnosis.
CASE PRESENTATIONA 64 year-old male patient was referred to our department with bilateral knee pain. He also gave a several years history of episodic ear swelling, tenderness, tinnitus, and recurrent conjunctivitis. On physical examination, besides the bilateral knee arthritis, discoloration and deformity of the pinna were identified (Figure 1). In his medical history, similar recurrent arthritis, swelling, and erythema in his external ear were present. The test results were negative rheumatoid factor, anti nuclear antibody (ANA), Antineutrophil cytoplasmic anti-