The paper studies indices of lipid metabolism, immunoglobulins in blood serum of heifers of different breeds. Black-and-white, Simmental, Aberdeen-Angus, mongrel cattle was selected for this study. Each breed in the group consisted of 10 heads. The study of lipids dynamics in experimental heifers showed, the concentration of lipids gradually increased and by the 5th month reached the maximum values. By the end of the pregnancy on the 9th month, a decrease in the lipid concentration of all the compared breeds was observed. The study of cholesterol dynamics in experimental heifers showed that at 1 month old, the cholesterol level in experimental breed was approximately the same. These were the maximum values of total cholesterol over the entire pregnancy period. At 9 months old, the minimum values of total cholesterol were recorded before calving. The mixed bred analysis showed that a group of Aberdeen-Angus heifers and mongrel animals were characterized by increased blood cholesterol. The study of the dynamics of total immunoglobulins showed that at all periods of pregnancy there were differences in the level of total immunoglobulins in the blood serum of heifers of the studied breeds. By the end of the pregnancy, this indicator was increased. The results of mixed bred studies showed that the mongrel heifers were characterized by a slightly increased content of total immunoglobulins. During the pregnancy period, lower concentrations of lipids, cholesterol and immunoglobulins were typical for blackand- white, Simmental heifers.