although the bonding strength in coat (i) s (i),int. was same (s (i),int. ϭ100 MPa). That is, the group-buckling occurs, originating from the buckling of the coating with weak interface, coat (ii) in the present analysis. Figures 8 and 9 shows the change of the debonding distance at (x, y)ϭ(L/2, W/2) and (0, W/2) with applied tensile strain for coat (i) and coat (ii). The position (x, y)ϭ (L/2, W/2) corresponded to the position getting the maximum value of the debonding distance. The position (x, y)ϭ (0, W/2) corresponded to the center of the coating which is important to evaluate the progression of interfacial debonding.As shown in Fig. 9, the lower the bonding strength of the coat (ii)-substrate interface s (ii),int. , the larger became the debonding distance of coat (ii) at both (x, y)ϭ(L/2, W/2) and (0, W/2).As shown in Fig. 8, the debonding distance at both (x, y)ϭ(L/2, W/2) and (0, W/2) in coat (i) also became larger with low bonding strength of the coat (ii)-substrate interface s (ii),int. . In addition, the applied strain at which the in- terfacial debonding started became lower with low bonding strength of coat (ii) s (ii),int. at (x, y)ϭ(0, W/2) in coat (i), as shown in Fig. 8(b). From this result, it is expected that the debonding of coat (ii) affected not only on the maximum debonding distance of coat (i) but also the progression of interfacial debonding of coat (i). From the comparison of the Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, it was found that the debonding distance of coat (ii) was not directly reflected in that of coat (i). As shown in Fig. 8, the debonding distance of the coat (i) under the condition of s (ii),int. ϭ100 MPa was only slightly smaller than that under the condition of s (ii),int. ϭ80 MPa, in contrast to the debonding distance of the coat (ii) which was much larger under the condition of s (ii),int. ϭ80 MPa.The progress of the debonded area of the coat (i)-substrate interface and coat (ii)-substrate interface with increasing applied strain, under the condition of s (i),int. ϭ 100 MPa and s (ii),int. ϭ(a) 100 MPa, (b) 80 MPa and (c) 60 MPa, are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. The debonded part of the coating is shown in black color in Figs. 10 and 11. As shown in Fig. 10(a), the debonded area progressively increases from the edge (x, y)ϭ(L/2, W/2), and rapidly progresses in the y direction after the debonding at the center (x, y)ϭ(0, W/2). Figure 12 shows the change of the occupancy of the debonded area (ϭratio of the debonded area (shown in block color in Figs. 10 and 11) to the whole area of the interface) with applied tensile strain for coat (i) (a) and (ii) (b). The lower the bonding strength, the larger became the occupancy of the debonded area of the coat (ii)-substrate interface, as shown in Fig. 12(b). For the coat (i)-substrate interface, as shown in Fig. 12(a), the occupancy of the debonded area also became larger for low bonding strength of the coat (ii)-substrate interface s (ii),int. .As indicated in Figs. 8 and 12(a), the preceding debonding of the coating with low interfaci...