The relationship between impressions by looking the color designing of touch panel interfaces of electronic devices and the operations is discussed. Experiments that investigate the effect of color in designs of touch panel interfaces on the operation and on impressions of users have been conducted. Subjects tried mental arithmetic tests on twelve kinds of screens which have different color images. The following points: "time which passed during a task," "number of correct answers," "number of incorrect answers" and "number of timeouts" were measured and counted. After the tasks were conducted, the subjects answered questionnaires about their impressions of the interfaces in order to measure the evaluation. As a result, following things became clear : (1) Accuracy of the operations increases when using coloration such that evaluation is high, e.g., "cool-casual." (2) Operation could be done speedy when using coloration such that potency and activity are low, and evaluation are high, e.g., "clear." (3) There are correlations between the number of correct answers, time which passed during a task and the evaluation.