Parkrnan, H., and M . Meili. 1993. Mercury in macroinvertebrates from Swedish forest lakes: influence of lake type, habitat, life cycle, and food quality. Can. j. Fish. Aq~aat. Sci. 58: 521-534.Mercury concentrations in lacustrine macroinvertebrates were concurrently studied in eight remote Swedish forest lakes of differing dystrophy, acidity, and eutrophy. The aim was to assess the influence of ecological factors (taxon, habitat, and feeding habits), chemical factors (characterizing different types of lakes), and regional and climatic factors (Hg deposition and mean temperature) on the accumulation of Hg. Concentrations varied from <58 to >so00 ng Hgsg dry weight-'. A large part of this high variability could be ascribed to differences in water and sediment chemistry, ecological niches, and species-specific seasonalities. Both taxonomic composition and H g concentrations were highly dependent on the type of lake. Concentrations were highest in acidic dystrophic lakes and lowest in oligotrophic lakes. Mean Hg concentrations in the examined taxa within a lake differed 108-fold. Contrary to widely held views on biornagnification, the lowest concentrations among profundal chironomids were found in predators whereas the highest concentrations occurred in detritivores. Seasonal variations were negligible in some taxa but considerable in others and appeared in some taxa to be related to the life cycle. We conclude that Hg accumulation in macroinvertebrates is largely determined by feeding behaviour and food quality. La concentration de mercure trouve dans Bes tissus de macro-invertebres lacustres a et6 rnesuree sirnultan6rnent chem des sujets de huit lacs isol6s dans des for@ts suedoises et a differents niveaux de dystrophie, d'acidite et d'eutrophie. L'objectif etait d'evaluer I'influence de facteurs 6cslogiques ftaxon, habitat et habitudes alimentaires), de facteurs chimiques fqui caracterisent differents types de lacs) et de factekers climatiques et rkgionaux (dep6t de Hg et temperature moyenne) sur I'accumulation du mercure-La concentration variait entre <50 et >5 088 ng Hg.g en poids sec-'. Cette forte variabilite pouvait &re largement attribusble 2 des differences dans la chimie de I'eau et des sediments, 2 l'existence de niches 6cologiques differentes et a des variations saisonnieres caract6ristiques d'especes donnees. Tant la composition taxonomique que la concentration du H g dependaient fortemerit de la nature du lac. La concentration etait la plus 6lev6e dans les lacs dystrophes acides et la plus faible dans les lacs oligotrophes. Chen les taxons exan-sines, la concentration moyenne dans les tissus 2 un lac donne variait par un facteur de 100. Contrairernent a I'avis couramment requ sur la bis-amplification, la plus faible concentration de H g chez les chironomides situes en profondeur a 6t6 observee chez des predateurs alors que la concentration la plus 6lev6e I'a 6t6 chen des detritivores. Chem certains taxons, les variations saisonnieres etaient nkgligeables, mais elles ktaient considerables chen d'autres...