Let &' w be the space of Beurling's generalized distributions on E n and % w the spaces of generalized distributions which has compact support We show that, for S e % w , S * & w = & w is equivalent to the following: Every generalized distribution u e % w with S * u e S. Abdullah [1] proves that, for a generalized distribution S having compact support, the followings are equivalent; (a) There exists positive constants A, C such that sup S0r+?) > \x\< A>(io In this paper we show another property which is equivalent to the above. Before stating our main theorem we briefly introduce the space of generalized distributions of Beurling type and the related results which we need in this paper. For details we refer to [3] .We denote by M c the set of all real valued functions w on R n satisfying the following conditions; (a) 0 = w;(0) < wCf+fl) < tt>(?) + M>07), f, 7?eR" (7) w;(f) > a + b log(l+ | f |) for some constants a and b > 0.