ABSTRACT'Mant~script received September 16, 1960. Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, McMaster Uniuersity, Hamilton, Ontario. A compilation of the S--0 symmetric and asynlnletric stretching frequencies is given for a large number of compounds containing a n -SO,-group. I t is shown that a linear relationship between vso,(,,,) and vso, (,,,) is valid for a large number of sulphuryl and polysulphuryl compounds and that the actual frequencies depend in a systematic manner on the electronegativities of the attached groups. These relationships have proved very useful in assigning and in some cases reassigning the S-0 bands in the infrared and Raman spectra of a number of sulphuryl compounds. I t is pointed out that there is a relationship between the SO2 frequencies of some sulphonic acids and their acid strengths.The calculation of values for group electronegativities from the vibration frequencies of the P=O and SOX groups is discussed.For a variety of organic con~pouncls including sulphones, sulphoilyl chlorides, covaleilt sulphates, sulphonamides, sulphonic acid esters, and sulphonates, the sulphur-oxygen symmetrical and ai~tisyinmetrical stretching frequencies obtained from infrared and Raman spectra have been characterized. A compilation of these frequeilcies has been given by Bellamy (1).In 1957 Bellamy and Williams (2) pointed out that any change in the symmetric frequency, v~~,~,~~) , is accompanied by a proportioilal change in the asymmetric frequency, vso,(naym). They plotted vso2(,,,) against vs0, (,,,,) for 29 coinpouilds taken from the work of Haszeldine and Kidd (3, 4), Barnard, Fabian, and I