Carbohydrate flexibility can influence a variety of recognition, processing, and end-use properties, at both the polymeric and oligomeric levels. The influence of glycosidic linkage, in particular, on carbohydrate flexibility is manifested in properties such as bacterial selectivity, solution viscosity, and the ability to regulate the spread of disease. Here, we apply size-exclusion chromatography, an entropically controlled technique, to determine the solution conformational entropy (ΔS) of various oligosaccharide series. The aim of the present study is to highlight how, for a given anomeric configuration, glycosidic linkage affects ΔS, and to do so quantitatively as a function of degree of polymerization (DP). To this end, we compare ΔS values for DP 1-7 for malto- and isomaltooligosaccharides, and for DP 1-5 for cello- and laminarioligosaccharides. To do so, we realize previously unattainable separations of disaccharides via a strict size-exclusion mechanism. Also given here are the requirements for extending our method to other oligomers, as well as to biopolymers