Individually recorded milk yields, yields and concentrations of milk components, food intakes and live weights of multiparous dairy cows given silage ad libitum and concentrates at a flat rate in weeks 4 to 13 of lactation and data for silage and concentrate composition from experiments conducted at four sites, were used to obtain simple correlations and multiple linear regressions of yields and concentrations of milk constituents on other variables.Simple correlations between yields and concentrations and other variables were low. Yield terms were most highly correlated with intake terms. Milk fat concentration was most highly correlated with silage fibre concentration. Milk protein concentration was most highly correlated with digestible energy intake. The best multiple regression models including time effects accounted proportionately for 0·35 of the variation in fat yield, 0·51 in protein yield, 0·55 in lactose yield, 0·39 in total milk yield, 0·19 in fat concentration, 043 in protein concentration and 0·19 in lactose concentration. Most of these models included terms for silage intake and cow live weight which are not generally available on farms. More practical models including fewer independent variates were therefore produced. These models accounted proportionately for 0·33 of the variation in fat yield, 048 in protein yield, 0·50 in lactose yield, 0·32 in total milk yield, 0·19 in fat concentration, 0·40 in protein concentration and 0·17 in lactose concentration.