Abstract. The PC (polar cap) index characterizing the solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere is calculated with use of parameters α, β, and φ, determining the relationship between the interplanetary electric field (E KL ) and the value of magnetic activity δF in the polar caps. These parameters were noted as valid for large and small E KL values, and as a result the suggestion was made that the parameters should remain invariant irrespective of solar activity. To verify this suggestion, the independent sets of calibration parameters α, β, and φ were derived separately for the solar maximum (1998)(1999)(2000)(2001) and solar minimum (1997,(2007)(2008)(2009)) epochs, with a proper choice of a quiet daily variation (QDC) as a level of reference for the polar cap magnetic activity value. The results presented in this paper demonstrate that parameters α, β, and φ, derived under conditions of solar maximum and solar minimum, are indeed in general conformity and provide consistent (within 10 % uncertainty) estimations of the PC index. It means that relationship between the geoeffective solar wind variations and the polar cap magnetic activity responding to these variations remains invariant irrespective of solar activity. The conclusion is made that parameters α, β, and φ derived in AARI#3 version for complete cycle of solar activity (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) can be regarded as forever valid.