The successful initiation and execution of a virtual team is gaining increasing attention in the design and construction community. From opportunities to integrate international and multidisciplinary teams to the opportunity to leverage the best resources in an organization on a given project, virtual teams can transform the concept of project planning and execution.However, potential barriers exist in several areas to the successful implementation of virtual teams. The need for increased management emphasis, social and cultural understanding, and emphasis on common goals are only a few of the non-technical factors that can turn successful virtual teaming into virtual frustrations. When combined with traditional technical challenges including compatibility of systems, security, and the selection of appropriate technologies, the line between leveraging virtual technologies for enhanced solutions and introducing additional complications into the project process is one that can be easily crossed. This paper presents the findings of research that addresses the opportunities and potential barriers to successful virtual teams in the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) industry. Combining results from current research, industry practices, and early results from non-construction industries, the research findings provide an initial path to successful virtual team implementation.