We study the Out(Fn)-action on the second bounded cohomology H 2 b (Fn, R), focusing on the countable-dimensional dense invariant subspace given by Brooks quasimorphisms. We show that this subspace has no finitedimensional invariant subspaces, in particular no fixpoints, partially answering a question of Miklós Abért. To this end we introduce a notion of speed of an element g ∈ Out(Fn), which measures the asymptotic growth rate of bounded cohomology classes under repeated application of g. 1 Definition 2.1. We call a connected topological space BG an Eilenberg-MacLane space of a group G if π 1 (BG) = G and π k (BG) = 0 for all k > 1.Proposition 2.2. For every group G there exists an Eilenberg-MacLane space BG. It is unique up to weak homotopy equivalence.Proof. See [16] and [17] for the original proof. Most textbooks on algebraic topology also give a proof, for example [23] in Section 4.2.Definition 2.3. The group cohomology of G with coefficients in R is defined as the cohomology of the Eilenberg-MacLane space BG with coefficients in R, i.e.a map on the level of cohomology:One of the main results in the study of bounded cohomology is the fact that the comparison map is in general neither injective nor surjective. It is easy to see in an example that c • does not have to be surjective.Example 2.26. The map c 1 :To find an example in which c • is not injective is harder. What helps us is that we can find a nice description of the kernel of c 2 . Here quasimorphisms enter the picture.D(f ) is called the defect of the quasimorphism f . We denote by Q(G) the space of quasimorphisms on a group G. We define an equivalence relation on Q(G) byInstead of looking at equivalence classes of quasimorphisms, one can also pick a suitable representative for every equivalence class and consider the space of representatives. Definition 2.28. A quasimorphism is called homogeneous if for every g ∈ G and n ∈ N we have f (g n ) = nf (g).Proposition 2.29. In every equivalence class [f ] ∈ Q(G) there is exactly one homogeneous quasimorphism f . So we can identify Q(G) with the space of homogeneous quasimorphisms.Proof. We prove the proposition in four steps:Example 3.11. Again let f = 5#aa − 3#ab + #b. We have f S = 2. Both the vertex aa and ab are of distance 2 from the root, the vertex b is of distance 1.3.2. Counting functions up to bounded distance.Definition 3.12. We define an equivalence relation on C (F n , S) byTHE Out(Fn)-ACTION ON H 2 b (Fn, R) 13