Lateral bud and shoot remo6al affects leader growth in Abies nordmanniana.Leader growth in newly transplanted young Abies nordmanniana Spach. was increased by reducing bud competition. Whorl buds and lateral buds on the leader, whorl branch tips or entire branches were removed in April. Bud or branch removal increased the length of the new leader by up to 30%. Leader width, diameter of new apical bud and length of needles on leader were increased by up to 45%, 33% and 75%, respectively. Removal of whorl buds did not affect stem base increase, but removal of lateral buds or buds on branches stimulated stem base growth, while branch removal reduced it. In general, removing whorl buds had more effect than removing lateral buds, but there was a positive interaction in removing both. Removal of buds on branch tips further increased the response, whereas removal of whole branches reduced it. Bud manipulation thus markedly changed the resource distribution and is potentially useful for stimulating leader growth.