Airborne ascospores have been reported to be allergenic or plant pathogens, and their presence has traditionally been associated with rainfall events. The aim of the present study was to analyze the presence of airborne ascospores in relation to weather parameters in a town in SW Spain. A seven-day recording spore trap (Burkard) was used to sample the air over 2 years at 15 m above ground level on the terrace roof of the hospital in Mérida (SW Spain). Fungal spores were identified and counted by means of two longitudinal scans over the slides under 91000 microscopy. A correlation analysis was made of the daily meteorological data and the airborne ascospore concentrations, and t-tests were used to compare data between the 2 years. Nineteen ascospore types were defined, including one-cell ascospores (Chaetomium, Diatrype, Helvella, Xylaria), tow-cell ascospores (Diaporthe, Mycosphaerella, Nectria, Venturia), transversally septate ascospores (Melanomma, Leptosphaeria, Paraphaeosphaeria, Sporormiella, Massaria), transversally and longitudinally septate ascospores (Pleospora), and ascospores within asci (Sordaria). Leptosphaeria consisted of a group of four types described according to the number of cells, hyaline grade, wall thickness, and ornamentation, and other ascospores comprised one last additional type. The average airborne ascospore concentration was 153 ascospores/m 3 . One-third each of this total were from the Leptosphaeria group, with an average 54 ascospores/m 3 , and the two-cell ascospores or Venturia-like group (Diaporthe, Mycosphaerella, Nectria, Venturia) with 51 ascospores/m 3 on average. In third position was Pleospora with 27 ascospores/m 3 on average. The month with highest concentration was September, with 238 ascospores/m 3 , and the lowest March, with 56 ascospores/m 3 . By seasons, autumn had the highest concentrations, followed by winter, spring, and summer. The maximum daily concentration reached was 3,371 ascospores/m 3 . Daily rainfall was significantly correlated with the ascospore types Diatrype, Mycosphaerella, Nectria, two subtypes of Leptosphaeria, and Pleospora. Relative humidity was positively correlated with those ascospore types and also with Diaporthe and Paraphaeosphaeria, and negatively with Chaetomium and Melanomma. The concentration was higher on rainy days than on days without rain for Pleospora, Leptosphaeria (3 subtypes), Diatrype, Diaporthe, Nectria, Mycosphaerella, and Paraphaeosphaeria. The daily temperatures were in general correlated with the same types as the relative humidity, but with the opposite sign. For the monthly data, there were no statistically significant differences between the 2 years studied.