Covid 19 is a pandemic disease experienced throughout the world. This pandemic causes limitations on activities outside the home so it will impact the health and mentality of adolescents. Adolescent girls are in a period of transition from children to adults. Adolescence is an age that is very vulnerable to nutritional problems, this is caused by a lack of self-confidence, lifestyle, and lack of knowledge of balanced nutrition. Often, young women feel dissatisfied with their body shape, so they go on a diet to get the desired body shape. This study aimed to determine the relationship between body image and nutritional status in young women during the Covid 19 pandemic in Pontianak City. This research is an observational study with a cross-sectional design chosen randomly and then the Pontianak Health Polytechnic, Stikes Yarsi, and Aisyiyah Polytechnic were selected. The sample in the study was 102 female students using sampling using proportional random sampling. Data collection was carried out in March-April 2022. The data collection technique measured the waist-hip ratio (RLPP) and used a figure rating scale questionnaire with a Cronbach alpha of 0.85. Then the data were analyzed using the chi-square test with a 95% confidence level. The results of this study indicate that 76 respondents (74.5%) have a negative body image and 26 respondents (25.5%) have a positive body image, while the nutritional status of young women 74 respondents (72.5%) obese and 28 respondents (27.5%) were not obese. The chi-square test results were obtained with p = 0.00 (p <0.05). This shows a relationship between body image and the nutritional status of young women in Pontianak City during the Covid 19 pandemic. Young women who experience nutritional status obesity tend to have a negative body image compared to young women whose nutritional status is not obese tend to have a positive body image.