Hyperinsulinemia predicts the development of type 2 diabetes, and family studies suggest that insulin levels are regulated in part by genes. We conducted a genomewide scan to detect genes influencing variation in fasting serum insulin concentrations in 391 nondiabetic individuals from 10 large multigenerational families. Approximately 380 microsatellite markers with an average spacing of 10 cM were genotyped in all study subjects. Insulin concentrations measured by radioimmunoassay were transformed by their natural logarithms before analysis. In multipoint analysis, peak evidence for linkage occurred on chromosome 3p ~109 c M from pter in the region of 3p14.2-p14.1. The multipoint logarithm of odds (LOD) score was 3.07, occurring in the region flanked by markers D3S1600 and D3S1285 (P value by simulation <0.0001). In a two-point analysis, LOD scores ranged from 0.75 to 2.52 for the nine markers typed in the region spanning 88-143 cM from p t e r. The fasting insulin resistance index was highly correlated with fasting insulin concentrations in this sample and also provided strong evidence for linkage to this region (LOD = 2.99). There was no evidence in our genome-wide scan for linkage of insulin levels to any other chromosome. These results provide evidence that a gene-influencing variation in insulin concentrations exists on chromosome 3p. Possible candidate genes in this region include G B E 1 and A C O X 2, which encode enzymes involved in glycogen and fatty acid metabolism, r e s p e c t i v e l y. Diabetes 49:513-516, 2000 I nsulin is a polypeptide hormone that plays a vital role in glucose homeostasis by stimulating the uptake of glucose into the cell. Serum insulin concentrations are correlated with tissue sensitivity to insulin, and elevated insulin levels are associated with insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, obesity, hypertension, and an increased risk of t y p e 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Within populations, the degree of insulin sensitivity varies widely among individuals, and in fact, the range observed in normal individuals can equal that seen in diabetic individuals (1). Moreo v e r, while insulin resistance is a consistent predictor of t y p e 2 diabetes, mild or even severe insulin resistance may often occur in individuals who will never develop diabetes.Although the causes of insulin resistance (and hyperinsulinemia) are not well understood, family and twin studies have consistently shown that genes play a substantial role in determining variation in serum insulin concentrations (2-5). Genes modulating serum insulin levels could operate at several different levels. For example, at the level of the target cells, there are a host of genes that regulate peripheral insulin action, such as those that encode the molecules that mediate insulin signaling and those that catalyze the uptake and metabolism of glucose. Genes influencing insulin sensitivity could also act on tissues extrinsic to the target cell as, for example, on tissues involved in any of the pathways regulating energy homeosta...