In this study, the discussion centered on operator's impression of lifting operations while focusing on In this study, the discussion centered on operator's impression of lifting operations while focusing on something strange felt by the operator when using power assist devices. We conducted an impression something strange felt by the operator when using power assist devices. We conducted an impression evaluation experiment by semantic differential method on the lifting operations with some assist force evaluation experiment by semantic differential method on the lifting operations with some assist force applied using the device simulating power assist devices. First, as a result of analyzing the experimental applied using the device simulating power assist devices. First, as a result of analyzing the experimental results by principal component analysis, the characteristics of the operator's impressions on the lifting results by principal component analysis, the characteristics of the operator's impressions on the lifting operations were summarized into three categories. The first was a sense of safety, the second was a operations were summarized into three categories. The first was a sense of safety, the second was a sense of operation and the third was a sense of passive. Next, probability models based on graphical sense of operation and the third was a sense of passive. Next, probability models based on graphical modeling were derived using partial correlation coefficients among the evaluation items. Under the modeling were derived using partial correlation coefficients among the evaluation items. Under the conditions of this experiment, we found that something strange was correlated with impressions with conditions of this experiment, we found that something strange was correlated with impressions with strong emotional components when the assist force on the object was larger. The findings of this study strong emotional components when the assist force on the object was larger. The findings of this study suggest impressive requirements for object lifting operations using power assist devices. suggest impressive requirements for object lifting operations using power assist devices.
本研究は,パワーアシスト装置の使用時に操作者の感じる違和感に着目し,操作者の持ち上げ操作に関する印象について議論を行った.具体的には,パワーアシスト装置を模擬した実験装置を使用し,持ち 上げ物体へのアシスト力の発生した持ち上げ操作に対しSD法を用いた印象評価実験を行った.回答を主 成分分析により解析をしたところ,印象の特徴は第1に安心感,第2に操作感,第3に受動感であることを 導いた.違和感に着目し,印象評価項目間の偏相関係数を求めグラフィカルモデリングによる確率モデ ルを表したところ,アシスト量の大きいときに違和感と感情的性質の強い印象評価項目との相関が高ま ることがわかった.本研究から得られた知見は,パワーアシスト装置を想定した物体持ち上げ操作を対 象に,人間機械協調の観点における人間側の考慮をより進めるべく,印象面での要求事項に示唆を与える. (キーワード:人間機械協調,パワーアシスト装置,物体持ち上げ操作,印象,SD法)