Engineering faculty members are increasingly looking at the pros and cons of the number of research communication tools that are available but are overwhelmed by the variety and lack of evidence that the tools will have a positive influence on research impact, promotion, and tenure. Engineering faculty are drawn to altmetrics for a more complete picture of real world impact while simultaneously dubious of the validity of these emerging measures. This paper reviews the literature on altmetric tools, identifies the existing tools, as well as pros and cons of using those tools. The author investigates how the tools can be used to create an outreach service for faculty members in engineering that supports disciplinary faculty to strategically design an online presence for research impact.
IntroductionWhere researchers have looked to traditional journal based metrics in the past as an indication of the impact of their scholarly work, increasingly print presents limited information about the much more dynamic environments of internet based communication platforms such as Twitter, networking sites such as LinkedIn and ResearchGate, or even aggregators such as Google Scholar.1 In the past ten years researchers have had alternative means to publicize their research using social media and other web based tools. A category of tools that measure impacts and statistics of usage and viewing based on the Social Web are referred to as altmetrics.2 Altmetrics present an alternative to journal based metrics such as impact factor, Eigenvalues, and other print based algorithms or measures.
3The basic functions of online scientific communication via the social web include collaboration, searching for relevant content, documenting original materials, promoting one's work, building peer networks, extracting and organizing information, and conducting peer reviews.4,5 Scientific and professional communication online supports diversity in the sciences and engineering. It provides a platform for role models from diverse backgrounds to connect with new scientists and engineers.6 Online scientific communication also allows individuals in specialized areas dispersed over a wide geographic area to easily communicate as a discipline in a designated virtual environment. 4 It gives a venue for identifying and/or purchasing parts, information on user opinions or demographic information, and competitor information.7 Social media can also enable geographically dispersed design teams to complete projects using asynchronous and synchronous communication. Taking advantage of these functions requires scientists and engineers to communicate strategically. The variety of social web tools available each offer different functions and utilities. 4 Similarly, different altmetric tools measure the impact of different social web tools. Just as liaison librarians presented faculty members with journal based metrics and helped them to frame their impact for promotion and tenure cases, liaisons can also assist professors to understand the emerging social ...