The paper presents the method of electron beam vacuum evaporation and condensation for the most promising technologies of manufacturing modern composite materials, used in welding and switching equipment. This method currently is one of the components of the technological process of producing thin (up to 5 mm) films for radio engineering, microelectronics, computer engineering, etc., as well as thick (more than 5 mm) films-condensates widely applied as effective protective and wear-resistant coatings. Described are the results of scientific and production activity on introduction into industry of technologies of deposition of thick films based on copper and refractory metals (molybdenum, tungsten, chromium) with additives of REM and other metals (yttrium, zirconium) on the surface of electric contacts and electrodes. Proceeding from the results of trials performed in more than 54 enterprises of Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Rumania, Poland and PRC it was established that the developed materials are not inferior to silver-containing powder compositions in terms of serviceability, while being approximately 3 times less expensive than the latter. 57 Ref., 1 Table, 4 Figures.