“…To date, the reptilian electrocardiogram (EC G ) has been used as a diagnostic tool in cases o f clinical cardiac disease and fo r m o n ito rin g a n a e sth e sia (C o o k & W estrom , 1979, A nderson, et al, 1999). H ow ever, its use is lim ited by the paucity o f clinically relevant published m aterial on the sub j e c t. To th e a u t h o r s ' k n o w le d g e , E C G h a s b e e n fu lly described in only a few squam ata including g reen iguana, Iguana iguana, (Albert, et al, 1999) brow n tree snake, Boiga irregularis, (Anderson, et al, 1999), rat snake, Elaphe obsoleta, (Jacob and M cD onald, 1975), carp et p y th o n , M orelia sp ilo ta va riegata, (R is h n iw an d C a rm e l, 1 9 9 9 ), In d ia n python, Python molurus, (Snyder, et al, 1999) and G allot's lizard, Gallotia galloti (de Vera and G onzalez, 1999, de Vera, et al, 2000). This report describes the E C G o f the G om eran giant lizard, Gallotia bravoana.…”