Grief is a multi-faceted experience including emotional, social, and physical reactions. Research in ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder (PGD) in different cultural contexts has revealed different or potentially missing grief symptoms that may be relevant.
This study thus aimed to explore the prevalence of somatic symptom distress and its associations with grief and negative affect in a culturally diverse sample of bereaved individuals with symptoms of PGD.
Based on cross-sectional survey data from the Measurement and Assessment of Grief (MAGIC) project, this study included 1337 participants (mean age 23.79 yrs, 76.1% female) from three regions (USA: 62.3%, Turkey/Iran: 24.2%, Cyprus/Greece: 13.5%), who experienced a loss of a significant other. Associations between somatic symptom distress (Somatic Symptom Scale, SSS-8), symptoms of PGD (International Prolonged Grief Disorder Scale, IPGDS-33), anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire, GAD-7), depression (Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ-9) as well as demographic and loss related characteristics were investigated. Three hundred and thirteen participants (23.4%) scored above the proposed cut-off for clinically severe PGD.
‘High’ or ‘very high’ levels of somatic symptom distress were more frequent in a possible PGD group (58.2%), than in a non-PGD group (22.4%),
< .001, as divided per cut-off in the IPGDS. In a multiple regression analysis, PGD symptoms were significantly but weakly associated with somatic symptom distress (
= 0.08,
< .001) beyond demographics, loss-related variables, and negative affect. Negative affect (anxiety and depression) mediated the relationship of PGD symptoms with somatic symptom distress and the indirect effect explained 58% of the variance.
High levels of somatic symptom distress can be observed in a substantial proportion of bereaved across cultures. Our findings suggest that PGD is related to somatic symptom distress partly and indirectly through facets of negative affect.