The aim of this study was to investigate whether the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) in some segments of the optic nerve disc in pathological intraocular pressure is more damaged in eyes without antiglaucoma treatment. Patients and Methods: The cohort consisted of 69 subjects (122 eyes), 32 males (6x one, 26x both eyes) aged 21 to 76 years and 37 females (4x one and 30x both eyes) aged 22 to 75 years, who were measured to have IOP greater than 21 mmHg (21-36) in routine ambulatory care. Measurements were performed using the Ocular Response Analyser, taking into account corneal hysteresis. RNFL thickness was measured using the Avanti RTVue XR and was assessed in 8 segments (1-IT, 2-TI, 3-TS, 4-ST, 5-SN, 6-NS, 7-NI, 8-IN). The visual field was examined with a fast threshold glaucoma program using the Medmont M700. The overall defect (OD) was evaluated. Pearson's correlation coefficient r was used to assess the dependence between the selected parameters.
Results:The largest peripapillary changes in RNFL were observed in segments 1, 4, 5 and 8. It should be emphasized that segments 1 and 4 have been temporarily shifted. Segments 5 and 8 then corresponded to the upper (at no. 12) and lower (at no. 6) sectors.
Conclusion:The most important result of this study is the finding that the greatest changes in the RNFL layer were observed in pathological IOP at segment 5 (r=−0.3) and 8 (r=−0.28), at the point where the fibres of the magnocellular retinal ganglion cells enter the retina.