MATERIALS AND METHODSproperties (7). When in contact with water, for example. the skin surface of the newborn adsorbs (holds on to) less water than the surface of human adult skin (7). The sources of the hydrophobicity of newborn skin are as yet undetermined but likely include a superficial layer of lipids associated with the vernix caseosa.In this study, we have focused on determining the degree of water binding of the human newborn skin surface during the first 24 h of life. The sorption (binding) and desorption (release) of water were measured by electrical capacitance. a standard method for determining the degree of surface hydration (8). Specifically. we measured the peak sorption and the rate of desorption of water on the surface of the skin of 13 term newborns before and after perturbation of the surface with isopropanol. Isopropanol was chosen because it is an organic solvent commonly used in most newborn nurseries as a surface disinfectant and as a "degreasing" agent before the application of adhesive tape and surface electrodes.Human subjects. The study group consisted of 13 term newborns admitted to the Newborn Nursery of the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. All infants were screened by obstetric and family history and physical examination. Exclusion criteria included chorioamnionitis, congenital skin anomalies, maternal drug use of medications, and local abrasions of the skin surface. The infants had an average birth weight of 3200 ± 52 (SEM) and an average gestational age of 39 ± I wk. Seven of 13 infants were female and eight of 13 were black (five were white), and three infants were delivered by cesarean section. All infants were bathed at 4 h of age with Safeguard bar soap. The research protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and informed consent was obtained from the mothers before enrollment of the infants in the study.Capacitance measurements. Skin surface capacitance . as a measure of surface hydration, was determined using a batteryoperated Dermaphase Meter, model 9003 (NOVA Technology Corp., Gloucester, MA). This instrument has a spring-loaded probe head with a flat contact surface (diameter = 5 mm) containing two concentric brass electrodes separated by a nonconducting resin. The instrument readings (c) were converted to pF with the formula (8.38 x 10-6 x c') -(4.0 X 10-3 x c 2 ) + 1.668c -122.1. This formula was generated by fitting a cubic polynomial to the calibration curve provided by NOVA Technology Corp. The capacitance of the skin surface (the ratio of charge to potential on an electrically charged isolated conductor) is directly related to its degree of hydration (8). Capacitance measurements were performed at the bedside and data downloaded on-line to a Compaq laptop computer. Data files were subsequently transferred to a Hewlett-Packard 486/66N computer for analysis using Lotus 1-2-3 software.Clinical protocol. Tests of water sorption and desorption were performed in 13 term newborn infants between 12 and 24 h...