We have investigated the relationship between order parameter and physical constants (dielectric anisotropy and splay elastic constant ) for¯uorinated liquid crystals with a small temperature coe cient of the threshold voltage. In these special¯uorinated liquid crystals, the dielectric anisotropy is proportional to the square of the order parameter. We have found that this anomalous dielectric behaviour a ects the small temperature coe cient of the threshold voltage.
Back groundmeasurements with a small alternating voltage of 0´2 V and a frequency of 1 kHz superimposed on the d.c. The market for liquid crystal displays has grown markedly, for example for lap-top computers and portvoltage ( V ). The threshold voltage is described as able display terminals, due to small size, light weight and low power consumption. Fluorinated nematic liquid( 1 ) crystals have good stability, high voltage holding ratio, high speci® c resistance, low threshold voltage ( V th ) andwhere K 11 is the splay elastic constant and e 0 is the small temperature coe cient of V th , and are now widely dielectric constant of a vacuum. The dielectric constant used. We have already studied the temperature dependacross the molecular short axis e ) was calculated from ence of V th , the dielectric anisotropy and the elastic the capacitance below threshold voltage.