Background: One of the factors causing phlebitis is infusion. Nurse compliance in installing infusions according to SPO can affect the incidence of phlebitis on patients. Objective:To determine the level of nurse compliance on the implementation of SPO for infusion to the incidence of phlebitis at IRNA Jasmine, Teratai and Anggrek RSI Malang UNISMA. Method: This research was using a correlation analysis design with a cross-sectional approach. The sample was taken by purposive sampling with a total sampling of 100 infusions. Instrument in the form of observation sheet SPO infusion and VIP Scroe sheet (Phlebitis). The number of respondents is 20 nurse practitioners. The statistikal test results analized by using Fisher test. Results: Form 100 infusions, it was found that the majority of nurses in the Jasmine, Teratai and Anggrek rooms were obedient in carrying out infusions, namely 78 infusions. Of the 100 infusions, there were 6 events of phlebitis. Based on the study it shows that p-value of 0.395 (p > α: 0.05), means that there is no significant relation between the level of nurse compliance in carrying out SPO for infusion and the incidence of phlebitis at IRNA Jasmine, Teratai and Anggrek RSI Malang UNISMA. Conclusion: Compliance with infusion according to SPO is only one of the factors that influence the occurrence of phlebitis in patients. The incidence of phlebitis experienced by patients can be due to external and internal factors.