Recent in situ hybridization experiments have shown a high content of IGF-II mRNA in breast cancer stroma. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between IGF-II protein expression and several prognostic parameters in 75 infiltrating ductal carcinomas (IDC) of the breast. Tissue sections were evaluated for proliferative activity, IGF-II protein, ER, PgR, p53, and p21 expression using immunohistochemical procedures. The degree of stromal proliferation was assessed. Menopausal status, axillary lymph node involvement and nuclear grade were known. Thirty-five patients (44.3%) were premenopausal and 47 (62.6%) had lymph node metastases. Marked stromal proliferation was found in 34 (45.3%) specimens and high nuclear grade in 20 (26.5%). Eighteen tumors (24%) showed no IGF-II immunostaining. In the positive cases, IGF-II was detected both in the tumor stroma and in the cytoplasm of epithelial cancer cells: a high IGF-II content was found in 12 specimens (16.0%), a low content in 14 (18.7%) and a moderate content in 31 (41.3%). Twenty-four tumors (32.0%) showed high proliferative activity. Both ER and PgR were expressed in the nucleus of cancer cells: 49 tumors (65.3%) were ER positive (ER+) and 34 (45.3%) PgR positive (PgR+). p21 protein was detected in 37 tumors (49.6%) and p53 in 12 (16%). IGF-II protein was not correlated with menopausal status, lymph node metastases, nuclear grade, proliferative activity, ER or p53. In contrast, IGF-II correlated strongly with stromal proliferation (p=0.008), PgR (p=0.03) and p21 (p=0.01). This study demonstrates that in IDC of the breast IGF-II protein is expressed in the epithelium and stroma of the majority of tumors and is correlated with stromal amount, PgR and p21 expression. These preliminary results indicate that IGF-II expression in breast cancer is connected with two important regulators of breast cancer growth and differentiation.