PS17 is a bacteriophage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that is serologically cross-reactive with phage tail-like bacteriocins called R-type pyocins. In addition to having immunological cross-reactivity, certain genes are functionally complementable between PS17 and R-type pyocins. To compare the genetic structures of PS17 and R-type pyocins, a physical map of PS17 genes was constructed by cloning phage DNA fragments on RSF1010-derived vector plasmids. The head and tail gene clusters were tandemly arrayed and together occupied about half of the 41-kilobase-pair PS17 chromosome. With use of these phage clones, the following results were obtained with respect to the genetic relationship between PS17 and R-type pyocins: (i) serological cross-reaction between PS17 and pyocin occurred for the major sheath protein and two components of the fiber, (ii) a certain pyocin mutation was complemented by cloned phage fragments, and (iii) the phage DNA fragment carrying sheath and core tube genes was shown to hybridize to the DNA fragment carrying the pyocin R2 genes.Particulate bacteriocins with complex structures resembling those of bacteriophages have been found in various bacterial species (see reference 13 for review). Many strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are known to produce contractile phage tail-like bacteriocins, called R-type pyocins, which have been classified into five subgroups, Rl through R5, according to receptor specificity (7). The R-type pyocins are almost identical in morphology, antigenic property, and protein composition (12). Several temperate bacteriophages serologically cross-reactive with the R-type pyocins have been found (5,6,8). Certain components are interchangeable between pyocin R2 and bacteriophage PS17 (15). These results strongly suggest that the R-type pyocins and bacteriophages such as PS17 share a common ancestor. A detailed comparison of the genetic structures of the R-type pyocins and such bacteriophages will provide useful information on the evolutionary relationship between bacteriophages and particulate bacteriocins.We previously analyzed the genetic structure of pyocin R2, an R-type pyocin produced by P. aeruginosa PAO (17,18). A cluster of pyocin R2 genes 13 kilobase pairs (kbp) long was localized within a ca. 30-kbp chromosome region flanked by the trpCD and trpE genes. In this study, we constructed a genetic map of the head and tail genes of PS17 and examined the genetic relationship between R-type pyocins and the PS17 tail.
MATERIALS AND METHODSBacterial strains. P. aeruginosa PML14 (8) and Escherichia coli C600 r-m-were used as hosts for cloning. Pyocin R2 (prt) mutants of P. aeruginosa PAO were those described previously (17).Bacteriophages. PS17cl (16) was used for cloning of PS17 genes. Temperature-sensitive mutants of PS17 were previously described (16).Plasmids. Two plasmids, pKT230 and pMMB22, derived from a broad-host-range plasmid, RSF1010, were used as * Corresponding author.vectors to clone PS17 genes (1, 2) and were provided by M. Bagdasarian.Microbiological methods. Nutri...