Respiratory support with high-frequency jet ventilation has been advocated during airway surgery or to improve pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange in patients with bronchopleural ®stulae or pulmonary insuf®ciency. Despite a large body of published evidence describing its bene®ts as an alternative ventilatory approach in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, its application has not gained widespread acceptance and is restricted to specialized centres. To review the literature on high-frequency jet ventilation in European and North American institutions, we per-formed a search in a computerized database (MED-LINE) covering the period from 1990 until the present time, describing the use of high-frequency jet ventilation in over 7000 patients. Various modes to apply high-frequency jet ventilation during airway surgery have been established, but its value in intensive care is controversial. We report our experience with combined high-frequency jet ventilation and provide guidelines for its safe application.