ResumoEste estudo objetiva investigar as adaptacoes neuromusculares de programa de treinamento de forca em 9 atletas de voleibol, do sexo feminino -categoria adulta. Durante 11 semanas, as atletas foram submetidas a treinamento de resistencia de forca e avaliadas no início (M1) e final (M2) do periodo. Os dados coletados foram analisados no plano descritivo por meio de medidas de centralidade e dispersao e no inferencial teste T de Student. Os principais resultados apontam diferenca significante, na forca explosiva de membros inferiores e superiores e, na potencia media (W).
Palavras-ChaveVoleibol; Treinamento desportivo; Preparação.
EFFECT OF STRENGTH RESISTENCE TRAINING IN THE NEUROMUSCULAR SYSTEM IN VOLLEYBALL ATHLETESNathalia Arnosti Vieira João Paulo Borin Carlos Roberto Padovani Carlos Roberto Pereira Padovani Abstract This objective study to investigate the adaptations neuromusculares of program of strength training, in 9 athletes of volleyball, of the feminine sex -adult category. During 11 weeks, the athletes had been submitted the training of strength resistance and evaluated at the beginning (M1) and end (M2) of the period. The data were analyzed in the descriptive through measures of concentration and dispersion, and in the inferetial, for paired data T Student test. The main results indicate significant difference in the explosive strength in inferior members and superior and, average power (W).