Stigma defines the process where a target's attribute or set of attributes is devalued by an existing social group (Phelan, Link, & Dovidio, 2008). It is also expressed as an attribute which is discrediting in organizations. On the other side, Jones, and colleagues (1984) stated undesired situations like physical violence, bullying and mobbing can observe towards to the labeled employees in organizations. Moreover, perception of stigma influences employees' behaviors, attitudes, and work outcomes. Intention to quit, dissatisfaction and disengagement are undesired attitudes in the workplace. Although, they are various factors that affect these variables, stigma also continues to increase its impact on negative outcomes. In addition, the increasing importance of psychosocial relationships and psychological factors on employees' perceptions reveals the need to examine the concept of stigma in detail in work-related studies. For that reason, in this study, it was mentioned about stigma, intention to quit, dissatisfaction and disengagement in the conceptual framework. Later, a research model was created related to variables. Finally, with this study, it is expected to tend scholars to researches about stigma in organizations.