RESULTSThe Pulfrich effect here is measured as the difference in position of the pointer M under experimental conditions from its settings made under control condition 1. In Fig. I Procedure Each S was given several hours of practice in viewing the Pulfrich effect before he was tested. At the start of each experimenta. session S viewed the stimuli through the artificial pupils for 10 min to achieve a steady pre-experimental level of light adaptation. Then, at time 0, a neutral density filter was dropped into place in front of S's left eye and he instantly adjusted the pointer M so that it appeared equidistant with the nearest point of the phenomenal path of the moving pointer P. If the initial setting could not be made within 2 or 3 sec to S's satisfaction, the filter was removed and the procedure repeated. The S then viewed the moving pointer P for 20 min, keeping the adjustable pointer M adjusted to the same apparent distance. Fixation was maintained on the pointer P. The position of M was recorded for the initial setting and at 1 min intervals thereafter.For each of the two Ss used, 10 values of neutral density filter were employed, from 0.3 to 3.0 log units in steps of 0.3. Each value was used for 10 experimental sessions, the successive treatments for each S being arranged in a 10 by 10 Latin square. About 60 h of testing were required for each S.Control readings were obtained under two conditions. In the first (control condition 1), settings of M for apparent equidistance with P were made under conditions identical to an experimental session, except that no filters were employed, to test for stability of depth judgments over time. In control condition 2, S was given a 2D-min preadaptation period using one of the filters (during which he viewed the stimuli, but with P stationary) followed immediately by a 2D-min experimental session using that filter, during which readings were taken of the magnitude of the Pulfrich effect. This procedure was repeated for each filter value, to check that the magnitude of the Pulfrich effect had reached a true asymptote during the preadaptation period, and that S's settings of M thereafter were stable.
ApparatusThe S viewed a moving pointer P, which was mounted on a turntable and crossed his line of sight from right to left every 1.8 sec, at a distance of 140 em. P moved at 31.4 em/sec. Between Sand P a half-silvered mirror was mounted at 45 deg, so that when his head was placed in an adjustable headrest P was visible through the mirror. A movable pointer M was mounted so that its reflected image in the mirror lay just below the level of P; by moving M along a scale perpendicular to his line of sight, S could make its reflected image appear equidistant with P.The S viewed the stimuli through 4-mm artificial pupils, to limit any effects due to change in pupil size and reduce the entry of extraneous stray light to the eyes. The pointers P and M were narrow upright cylinders, 2 em high, 3 mm wide, painted white and illuminated to provide luminances of 120 mL and 46 mL, respec...