In this study, we constructed an empirical model of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ), including local time and longitudinal dependence, based on simultaneous data from 12 magnetometer stations located in six longitude sectors. An analysis was carried out using the equatorial electrojet index, EUEL, calculated from the geomagnetic northward H component. The magnetic EEJ strength is calculated as the difference between the normalized EUEL index of the magnetic dip equator station and the normalized EUEL index of the off-dip equator station located beyond the EEJ band. Analysis showed that this current is always strongest in the South American sector, regardless of local time (LT), and weakest in the Indian sector during 0900 and 1000 LT, but shifted to the African sector during 1100 to 1400 LT. These longitude variations of EEJ roughly follow variations of the inversed main field strength along the dip equator, except for the Indian and Southeast Asian sectors. The result showed that the EEJ component derived from the model exhibits a similar pattern with measured EEJ from ground data during noontime, mainly before 1300 LT.