An understanding of the factors influencing colonization of the rhizosphere is essential for improved establishment of biocontrol agents. The aim of this study was to determine the origin and composition of bacterial communities in the developing barley (Hordeum vulgare) phytosphere, using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of 16S rRNA genes amplified from extracted DNA. Discrete community compositions were identified in the endorhizosphere, rhizoplane, and rhizosphere soil of plants grown in an agricultural soil for up to 36 days. Cluster analysis revealed that DGGE profiles of the rhizoplane more closely resembled those in the soil than the profiles found in the root tissue or on the seed, suggesting that rhizoplane bacteria primarily originated from the surrounding soil. No change in bacterial community composition was observed in relation to plant age. Pregermination of the seeds for up to 6 days improved the survival of seed-associated bacteria on roots grown in soil, but only in the upper, nongrowing part of the rhizoplane. The potential occurrence of skewed PCR amplification was examined, and only minor cases of PCR bias for mixtures of two different DNA samples were observed, even when one of the samples contained plant DNA. The results demonstrate the application of culture-independent, molecular techniques in assessment of rhizosphere bacterial populations and the importance of the indigenous soil population in colonization of the rhizosphere.The use of antagonistic bacteria for the protection of crops against soilborne pathogens provides a promising environment-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides. However, the root colonization efficiency of introduced biocontrol strains is often limited, potentially reducing the effectiveness of protection (8,25,32). The selection and use of biocontrol strains therefore depend heavily on our knowledge of survival of the inoculant and its potential activity in the rhizosphere ecosystem of a particular plant and soil. Consequently, successful biological control with inoculated strains requires an understanding of the dynamics and composition of the bacterial communities colonizing the rhizosphere.Previous studies, employing cultivation-based, laboratory methods or microscopy, have shown that different bacterial populations are present or active at different stages of root development and that rhizosphere communities are distinct from those found in bulk soil (1,14,17,19,21,27,30). However, recent molecular studies involving PCR amplification of 16S rRNA genes (rDNA), question some of these results. Duineveld et al. (9) reported that the bacterial communities of the Chrysanthemum rhizosphere, as measured by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA PCR products, changed very little with plant age and were similar to those of bulk soil. In contrast, different bacterial communities were identified in soil and in the root tissue of white clover and ryegrass by cluster analysis of a 16S rDNA clone library (16). Furthermore, DGG...