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To cite this version:Lacaze, Jacques and Connétable, Damien and Castro-Román, Manuel Jesus Effects of impurities on graphite shape during solidification of spheroidal graphite cast ions. (2019) Materialia, 8. 100471.
Cast iron Solidification microstructure Graphite morphology Graphite degeneracy DFTSince the discoveiy that magnesium and cerium (and more generally rare earths) added at low level to cast iron melts lead to spherodized graphite, it is lmown that some other elements are detrimental even when present as traces. In ail practicality, it bas soon been recogniz.ed that adding rare earths to the melt helps counteracting the effect of these detrimental elements. Accordingly, only few works have been devoted to studying the effect of trace elements in melts without any rare earths. This is the first aim of the present work to review those studies as they contain the material to understand the mechanism for spheroidal graphite degeneracy. From this review, three types of degeneracy have been defined which show up when the critical level of any particular element is exceeded. These results are then discussed to show that ail degeneracies certainly proceed in the same way. To substantiate this discussion, the growth of compacted graphite as obtained by low level treatrnent of cast iron melt with magnesium is also presented. Finally, a mechanism is suggested for describing the action of trace elements on spheroidal graphite degeneracy. This mechanism is partly substantiated by first principles calculations which showed that ail elements can strongly adsorb on the prismatic planes which are the planes on which carbon atorns add on during graphite growth. • Corresponding author. E-mail address: (J. Lacaze). scription of the impurity effect without RE addition, i.e. concerned with describing and understanding this effect The impurities listed in the patent [4] are As, Bi, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn and Te, and it is worth stressing that most of them are also harmful to non spheroidized lamellar graphite iron melts as reviewed by Rey naud [7]. In an extensive study aimed at controlling the charges for melt preparation, Thielemann [8] proposed the following quality index S b for spheroidal graphite cast irons where Al and Ti appear but not Se and Te which were not considered: S b = 1.6 • w Al+ 2. 0 · w A s + 3 70 · We; + 2 90 · WPb + 5 . 0 · Wsb +2.3 . Wsn +4.4 . WTi (1) in which W; is the weight fraction of i element in the charge used for preparing the melt This quality index has been obtained with spheroidal graphite cast irons containing 0.04 to 0.08 wt. % Mg that were cast with wall thickness in between 8 and 45 mm. When S., is lower than 1 no action is necessary while if it is higher RE should be added to avoid spheroidal graphite degeneracy.What is seen in the Thielemann's factor and which reflects foundry practic e is that bismuth and lead have a much higher coefficient than the other ...