“…13] appears to be exerted both in vivo and in vitro through postsvnaptic alpha-1 [10,13], beta [10,21], and even alpha-2 [11,20,32] adrenergic receptors. AH of these receptor subtypes are distributed in the PVN and median eminence regions of the hypothala mus and the presence of alpha-1 and alpha-2-adrenergic receptors was clearly demonstrated on CRF-and AVPimmunopositive perikarya in the parvicellular PVN of adult rats [37], Interestingly, the density of the Cb-adrenoreceptors decreased to 45% 14 days after adrenalecto my, suggesting that the response was at least in part mediated by changes at the level of neurosecretory cells [37], Indeed, each adrenoreceptor subtype density ap pears to be differentially regulated by a variety of factors including glucocorticoid hormone level, alpha-2-subtype density being the most responsive to adrenal steroid lev els, whereas the (5-receptor number seems to be the least sensitive to these factors, and the (X|-receptor density exhibits an intermediate sensitivity [reviewed in ref. 38], Moreover, the adrenergic afferent tone may modulate adrenergic receptor density of target cells [38].…”