The weather shelter plot The weather shelter plot during construction, showing size of potometers, and drainage sand Diagram of a potometer with neutron probe access tube Soil-moisture patterns in 1976, Experiment 1. Curves are based on means of neutron probe measurements Soil-moisture patterns in 1976, Experiment 2. Curves are based on means of neutron probe measurements Soil-moisture patterns in 1977. Curves are based on means of neutron probe measurements Grain yield response to moisture stress, 1976 Experi ment 1 Yield component response to moisture stress, 1976 Experiment 1 Grain yield and yield component response to moisture stress, 1976 Experiment 2 Yield component response to moisture stress. Compari son between ears in Variety 2, 1976 Experiment 2 Grain yield and seed number response to foliar fertil izer and moisture stress. Variety 1, 1976 Experiment 2 Percent nitrogen in the grain as influenced by mois ture stress, 1976 Experiment 2 Percent phosphorus and percent potassium in the grain as influenced by moisture stress, 1976 Experiment 2 Moisture-stress periods shown in relation to silking and foliar-fertilizer application dates and to open pan evaporation in 1977 Grain yield response to moisture stress, varieties combined