“…Specifi cally, the fi rst distinct feature refers to depressive symptoms, social anxiety, fears of abandonment in signifi cant interpersonal relationships, and loneliness; the second distinct feature refers to the confi dence in others and the degree of comfort with intimacy. This characterization is supported in the literature that mentions signifi cant diff erences in various psychological and psychopathological domains between individuals with and without suicidal ideation (Borges & Werlang 2006;Dervic et al, 2007;Eisenberg et al, 2007;Ellis & Ratliff , 1986;Eskin, Voracek, Stieger, & Altinyazar, 2011;Garlow et al, 2008;Gençöz & Or, 2006;Kashden, Fremouw, Callahan, & Franzen 1993;Lasgaard et al, 2010;Mazza & Reynolds, 2001;Özer, Yildirim, & Erkoç, 2015;Peter et al, 2008;Reinherz, Tanner, Berger, Beardslee, & Fitzmaurice, 2006;Tyssen, Vaglum, Grønvold, & Ekeberg, 2001).…”