Precision grip, a prehensile function of humans, is exacted through the action of the median nerve and its main tributary, the anterior interosseus nerve (AIN). In the forearm, the AIN can be subject to nerve entrapment by tendinous and fibrous arches or accessory and variant muscles. It is also vulnerable to trauma of the upper arm and forearm. To the neurologist, an isolated neuritis or an immune-mediated medial cord or lower trunk brachial plexopathy (Parsonage-Turner syndrome) is the usual mode of presentation. When the spread of muscle weakness is beyond the territory of the AIN, the syndrome is referred to as a pseudo-AIN. The AIN is grouped into fascicles that are compartmentalized separately from the median nerve proper, and trauma in the upper arm may selectively involve the AIN. We present a case of pseudo-AIN following elbow arthroscopic surgery and outline the pathology, clinical signs, and functional anatomy of the AIN and the precision grip.