The study presented here was an extension of a preceding field project concerned with changes in N metabolism of four maize hybrids during grain development. The objectives were to relate uptake, flux, and reduction of nitrate to accumulation of reduced N in growth-chamber-grown seedlings of the same four hybrids and to compare these results with those obtained in the field study.Hybrid D took up more nitrate than the other three hybrids, primarily because of a larger root system. The correlations between total N (nitrate plus reduced N plant-) accumulated by harvest and root dry weight or shoot to root ratios were r = +0.97 and -0. In wheat and corn, significant correlations between the estimated amount of reduced N supplied to the plant (by the in vitro or in vivo NR3 assay) and the actual amount accumulated by the plant (2,5,7,8) support the concept that nitrate reduction is the rate-limiting step in the assimilation of nitrate to reduced N. Significant correlations were found between integrated seasonal leaf NRA and grain yield, plant reduced N, and grain reduced N for maize. In these and other experiments, the correlation values were low, indicating that factors other than the level of leaf NRA affect these relationships.Dalling et al. (5) showed that transport of vegetative N to the grain of wheat was one of these factors. They also found that wheat cultivars with comparable levels of NRA could accumulate different amounts of reduced N. Deckard et al. (6) identified one maize genotype with a relatively low NRA but a high capacity to accumulate reduced N. The fact that this genotype had a high leaf nitrate concentration suggests that the availability of nitrate to NR in the leaf, as well as the level of enzyme, may affect the rate of nitrate reduction (3). This possibility is supported by (a) the stimulation of the in vivo NR assay with nitrate (10), and (b) the correlation found between nitrate uptake and accumulation of reduced N in several maize genotypes (4).Although nitrate flux to the leaves of maize regulates the level of NR (21), it has not been shown that nitrate flux and NR are directly related among genotypes. Since the nitrate flux provides both substrate for and inducer of NR, genotypic differences in the partitioning of nitrate and/or responsiveness of the induction mechanism to nitrate could explain the discrepancy observed for the one genotype in the study by Deckard et al. (7).The study presented here was an extension of a preceding field project that utilized the same four maize hybrids (19). The field study was concerned with changes in N metabolism (enzymes and N components) in various plant parts during grain development.The objectives of the current study were: (a) to relate nitrate uptake, nitrate flux, shoot to root partitioning of nitrate reduction, and NRA to the accumulation of reduced N by the plants during early vegetative growth; and (b) to compare these results with seedlings to those obtained in the preceding field study.