Producing consistent quality pre-baked carbon anodes for the Hall–Héroult aluminum reduction process is challenging due to the decreasing quality and increasing variability of anode raw materials. Non-destructive testing techniques (NDT) have been developed and recently implemented in manufacturing plants to establish better suited and more efficient quality control schemes than core sampling and characterization. These technologies collect measurements representing effective properties of the materials located along a pathway between two transducers (emitter and receiver), and not spatially-resolved distribution of properties within the anode volume. A method to interpolate pathway-based measurements and provide spatially-resolved distribution of properties is proposed in this work to help NDT technologies achieve their full potential. The interpolation method is tested by simulating acousto-ultrasonic data collected from a large number of 2D and 3D toy examples representing simplified anode internal structures involving randomly generated defects. Experimental validation was performed by characterizing core samples extracted from a set of industrial anodes and correlating their properties with interpolated speed of sound by the algorithm. The method is shown to be successful in determining the defect positions, and the interpolated results are shown to correlate significantly with mechanical properties.