New approach for sub-atmospheric pressure silicon dioxide thin film deposition process at consecutively pulsed injection of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and ozone is presented. The study was performed with DCVD Centura D×Z tool. Deposition rates (DR) were as low as 0.03-0.1 nm/cycle and similar to those at atomic-layer deposition regime of thin film growth. The effects of deposition temperature, deposition process pressures and total reactant flows, ozone concentration, spacing, process cycle duration and total cycle numbers are presented. Deposition features were similar to those observed using continuous reactant delivery to the process chamber. DR values were found to depend strongly on ozone concentration and the surface of material used for CVD known as so-called "surface sensitivity" effect.Silicon dioxide thin film deposition on silicon using tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) was described for the first time in. 1 It was shown that TEOS is able to decompose in argon and hydrogen ambient at temperatures above 500 • C producing SiO 2 films with acceptable deposition rate (DR). However, TEOS was found to react with oxygen at temperatures as low as 300 • C with very low DR. Due to this, the only middle-temperature TEOS pyrolysis reactions 2 or low-temperature plasma-enhanced oxidation 3 processes are used in Integrated Circuit (IC) technology and production for a long time.Information about thermally-activated TEOS and ozone interaction at low temperatures appeared in the end of 1980 th . Silicon dioxide thin film deposition was performed either at atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD) conditions, 4-9 or under subatmospheric pressure (SACVD) conditions. 10-14 Ozone with concentration more than about 1 weight % in oxygen was found to accelerate the film DR significantly. This made TEOS-ozone CVD process applicable for new generations of IC devices, basically due to urgent gap-filling needs of sub-quarter micron IC technology. A few lowtemperature thermally-activated IC production tools and CVD processes for thin films of silicon dioxide, phosphosilicate and borophosphosilicate glasses were studied and developed in a mid of 1990 th , 15-20 see also summary in the author's summary 21 and a monograph. 22 Unique features of TEOS-ozone CVD processes for silicon dioxide (frequently called also "undoped silicate glass", USG) were described in details in. 4-14 Among them the following three process features were most important. The first one was the effect of DR acceleration along with ozone concentration increase in between up to 1 weight %. A "surface sensitivity" effect at high ozone concentrations comes second. This effect is known as 10-30% differences in SiO 2 DR values and the film properties for the films grown on different surface types like silicon, silicon dioxide and silicon nitride. Finally, "flowlike" thin film deposition on stepped IC device structures was found. The latter feature allowed gap-filling of complicated IC device structures and solving some device planarization issues. To exp...