The Kingston complex of southern New Brunswick, Canada, comprises a regional suite of Early Silurian bimodal dikes near the inboard margin of the Avalon composite terrane. The locally sheeted felsic and amphibolitic dikes trend northsouth to northeast-southwest and define a broadly sigmoidal pattern between regional northeast-trending ductile shear zones that border the complex. Dike orientations have been taken to suggest their emplacement accompanied sinistral shear thought to be associated with terrane accretion. However, deformation and greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism of the complex accompanied significant dextral shear during the Silurian-Devonian.Mafic dikes are commonly foliated subparallel to their margins, and many possess a stretching lineation defined by elongate blue-green amphibole. Felsic dikes are locally massive but generally display strong mylonitic fabrics of dextral shear sense. Transpressive reactivation of the complex during dextral shear is indicated by (1) a slight but consistent clockwise obliquity between dike trends and the strike of mylonitic foliations, (2) a clockwise rotation of the mineral lineation which plunges steeply in the interior of the complex but becomes progressively more gently plunging near both margins, and (3) a clockwise rotation of dike orientations with mylonitic fabric development. Minor folds and pinch-and-swell structures also attest to contraction during ductile shear. The structural geometry of the complex is consistent with a positive flower structure configuration whereby dip-slip motion in the interior of the complex was progressively replaced by dextral strike-slip motion toward the margins.The transition from sinistral to dextral conditions recorded in the Kingston complex is similar to that recorded along other major northern Appalachian fault zones during the Silurian. It has been suggested that the earlier sinistral movements reflect the accretion of the Avalon composite terrane during the Early Silurian and that the regional kinematic reversal records the docking of the outboard Meguma terrane during the Late Silurian-Early Devonian.Schreckengost, K. A., and Nance, R. D., 1996, Silurian-Devonian dextral reactivation near the inboard margin of the Avalon composite terrane: Kinematic evidence from the Kingston complex, southern New Brunswick, Canada, in Nance, R.